Welcome to your ant place

Where you see ant that are nice i place them

Ant click on Leafcuter ant Maur

These ants look cool

Fire ants sting bad

Eating ant hmm NO

Ants super franske revolution

How to get ants

we all eat pizza. — Ants eat pizza. According to different estimates,... canvas-12


Ant eating pizza

Ant: (Buy at ant hill #9237842 for pizza)

Philip and Alexander: (Call 482749 for fresh pizza from Phillip and Alexander Pizza)

Philip and Alexander: (Hey you are an ant, you cant sell pizza!)

Ant: (Psst buy it, I stole these pizza from Philip and Alexander, they are CHEAPER!!!)


What ants do

Ants have queen and they go underground and get workers and get food but it is hard


how to eat ants in a source of food way

How to eat ants in a source of food way

First you go and get some ant larvaes, also ants that are born but not able to walk yet, you know. And then you turn the pan and the oven on, wait 5 min to heat up and add butter to the pan, then you add larvae to the pan with salt and pepper. Then you throw some topping however you like and dont forget to serve with a drink of water. After you are done with ant larvae on the pan with cooked toppings, put it to the plate and eat yummy.